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EurAAP Awards

EurAAP Award
The EurAAP Award was established in 2011. Starting in 2015, two Awards are given each year: one in the Antenna field and one in the Propagation field.

The aim of the awards is to recognise the contribution of an individual person to technical & scientific advances, education and coordination of research & networking activities in the fields of Antennas & Propagation in Europe or in relationship to Europe.

EurAAP Antenna Award 2022: 

José Antonio Encinar Garcinuño

For his pioneer contributions to reflectarray antennas for space applications

EurAAP Propagation Award 2022:

Henry Bertoni

For the development of propagation prediction models used for the design of cellular networks



To recognise the contribution of an individual person to:

  • Advances in Antennas or Propagation
  • Education in the fields of Antennas or Propagation
  • Coordination of research & networking activities in the fields of Antennas or Propagation

in Europe or in relation with  European actors

The awards consists of:

  • a plaque
  • a free EuCAP conference registration
  • a free EuCAP Conference Dinner ticket

The Award, by nomination only, will be presented annually.

Members of the EurAAP Board of Directors or any other official position within EurAAP are not eligible during their term or in the 2 years following the end of the same.

Nomination/endorsement by members of the Awards Committee is not allowed. If a member of the Committee wishes to nominate/endorse a candidate, he/she will be replaced in the committee for two years.

The Awards are granted every year, during the European Conference on Antennas & Propagation event. Starting in 2015, 2 Awards are established: the EurAAP Antenna Award and the EurAAP Propagation Award.

All EurAAP members can nominate candidates. They must provide a biography of the nominee, which highlights the reasons why he/she should be considered for the prize. The candidate can also get endorsements from other EurAAP members.

The recipients of the Awards will be selected by the EurAAP Award Committee, chaired by the leader of the EurAAP WG Societal Issues. The members of the committee are appointed for a three-year term by the EurAAP BoD on behalf of the EurAAP Delegates Assembly. Their deliberations will be confidential, and their decision final.

The awards will be presented during the European Conference on Antennas & Propagation Conference Dinner.

Nomination forms must be submitted by January 31, 2022. All documents and endorsements have to be provided with the nomination form available here (also available at Awards | EurAAP). The Awards Committee will inform the BoD of the final decision before February 28, 2022.

All the documents should be sent via email to the Chair of the Awards Committee

Prof. Eva Rajo Iglesias
Chair of the EurAAP Awards Committee

Dr. Stefania Monni
EurAAP Chair

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Important Deadline

March 22, 2022

Deadline for local Poster Printing Service. See instructions for authors here


March 21, 2022

Deadline for session chairs to check the videos or posters in their sessionSee instructions for session chairs here

Deadline to notify remote participation. See instructions for remote presentation here


March 14, 2022

Deadline for authors to upload an appropriate presentation (video or poster) to EDAS. See instructions here.  


February 6, 2022

Deadline for Author registration and Early Bird registration

Register here


January 22, 2022 February 6, 2022

Deadline for final version of accepted papers extended to February 6, 2022

December 17, 2021

Notification of paper acceptance/rejection

October 15, 2021

Paper submission deadline



EuCAP2022 APP:

EuCAP2022' smartphone app provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation in the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly. The app is available for Android and iOS devices. To download mobile app, please visit, scan the QR code available in EuCAP web page or type 'eucap2022' in Google Play or iTunes App Store.

Works in the subway during EuCAP2022!

There are some works in Madrid metro line number 8 between stations Colombia and Mar de Cristal (bound to Madrid downtown). We recommend to use Metro line 8 from the airport, and combination of Metro lines 4 and 8 from Madrid downtown. 

Information available at:

Author registration and Early Bird registration deadline: February 6th 2022!

Registration is now open: January 13th 2022!

Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: December 17th 2021!

Paper submission deadline: October 15th 2021!

Call for papers sent: July 5th 2021!

Call for convened sessions: deadline June 20th, 2021!

July 2021: EuCAP2022 web page available!

Platinum Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors





Bronze Sponsors


Other Sponsors

Supporting Institutions
European Microwave Association
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