EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award for Excellence in Electrodynamics
The “Leopold B. Felsen Award for Excellence in Electrodynamics” (henceforth “the Award”) was originally established jointly by the University of Siena and the University of Sannio, funded through a donation from Michael and Judy Felsen in fulfillment of the last wishes of their father, Professor Leo Felsen (1924-2005). Since from 2015, the Award is established by the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award 2022: Íñigo Liberal |
The main purpose of the EurAAP Felsen Award is to keep alive Prof. Felsen’s memory and scientific legacy, as well as to foster academic excellence in the electromagnetics community, by giving recognition to outstanding fundamental contributions from early stage researchers in electrodynamics.
Candidates from all areas of Electromagnetics are eligible. Selection will be based on quality and significance of candidate's contribution to the field, and on the recommendation of the referees.
The Award, by nomination only, will be presented annually, as a career award, to an early stage researcher. Eligible nominees should be under 40 years of age at the submission deadline. Previous awardees (also from the former Sannio and Siena editions) are not eligible.
The award consists of a prize of $5,000, which will be funded by the Felsen Family through a donation. The Award will be officially presented every year at the banquet of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
The nominators will be asked to submit the following items:
- A filled nomination form (also available at Awards | EurAAP)
- Up to three endorsement letters;
- Three representative publications related to the topics listed above.
A committee chaired by Prof. Vincenzo Galdi (University of Sannio) and including four prominent scientists chosen by the EurAAP Board of Directors (BoD), in consultation with Prof. Galdi, will be in charge for the selection. The 2022 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award Committee is composed by:
- Vicenzo Galdi (Chair)
- Raj Mittra
- Juan R. Mosig
- Werner Wiesbeck
- Ehud Heyman
The committee will assign the Award on the basis of:
- Pertinence of the topics;
- Relevance and quality of the presented papers;
- Scientific standing of the candidate.
Nomination forms must be submitted by January 31, 2022, together with the publications and endorsements requested using the nomination form available here. The Awards Committee will inform the BoD of the final decision before February 28, 2022.
All the documents should be sent via email to (The Chair of the 2022 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award Committee with copy to the Chair of the EurAAP Awards Committee and to the EurAAP Chair).
Prof. Vicenzo Galdi
Chair of the 2022 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award Committee
Prof. Eva Rajo Iglesias
Chair of the EurAAP Awards Committee
Dr. Stefania Monni
EurAAP Chair